Books, the internet, television, radio… with all of the interior design advice that’s out there, you would be forgiven for thinking that you need a degree in design in order to create a pleasing interior for your home. But nothing could be further from the truth. Interior design is more about inspiration, creativity and fun. In fact, interior design is one of the only aspects of home-building where you can really let your wildest fantasies take shape.

Your home is a reflection of yourself: we all change as we age, so it’s natural that your idea of interior design will change, too. One of the beauties of interior design is that it’s a moveable feast: a bold, striking interior with radical design features might appeal to you when you are in your twenties, but you may feel differently about design when you’re in your thirties or forties. Your life circumstances may have changed – you may have married, for example, or you may have children – and this will certainly have an impact on the way in which you choose to design your home’s interior.

The first step is understanding your interior. Whether you want to re-design a room, a floor or even a whole house, it’s important to know what the space will be used for, and who will be using it. A lounge or bedroom can be ruined by the wrong design style, so make your design project easier by deciding up-front how you intend to use your interior.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7209233